Unforeseen Blessings

For as long as we can remember, Calvary Home’s annual dinner has been planned and executed by one staff member. We have all hands on deck for the setup and actual event, but all the fundraising, coordination, and planning are done by one person.

So you can imagine our team’s surprise, when we got a call in January from a young couple wanting to be a part of our “Gala planning committee”. Our Community Relations Director thought long and hard about what to say to them but decided that this may be the year to let people help.

Not long after we sat down with these two brand-new volunteers, we had another inquiry about helping with our Gala. Laura decided to put a day on the calendar in early March to sit down with our inaugural committee and make a game plan. Frequently in the weeks that followed, Laura would wonder, “What am I even going to have them do,” out loud in the office.

Mere days before this Gala planning meeting, our Executive Director submitted his notice that he would be stepping down. The Board quickly moved to promote Laura into the position, but this would radically change how much time she had to dedicate to planning the Gala.

So the day of the planning meeting came, and Laura sat down at the table with her crew of volunteers and told them how thankful she was that God knew she would need help before she did. Obviously, she couldn’t share all of the details that day, but she ensured they knew that God brought them to Calvary at the right time to help make our event a success.

Fast forward to today: our Gala committee has grown to five volunteers and two staff members, and we are beyond blessed with how smoothly it’s going. Our committee has taken ownership of securing sponsors, table hosts, and donations for our silent auction – something that Laura never could have done on her own while learning to run Calvary Home.

Let this serve as a reminder that God is always thinking of us. Even the worries and stresses we don’t see coming are under His wing, and He will always make sure we have what we need because He is such a good, good Father.


We’ll Always Be There


A Fond Farewell to Greg Skipper