Calvary Stories
Our campus in Anderson, SC sees stories unfold every day. We’re proud share these stories with you so that you can get a glimpse
into the ways we see our mission play out in the lives of children.
Names and minor details of these stories are changed to protect the children's identity.
Dancing for Foster Care!
While we’re fundraising for Dancing for our Heroes, we wanted to take a moment to properly introduce our dancers: Bri and Nick DiCicco. We asked Bri to walk us through why they decided to become foster parents, which is what started them on the path to move onto our campus.
Waiting expectedly for the Lord
We often do not know the full extent of a child’s trauma or brokenness, but God does. Opening two more homes on campus has been quite the undertaking. These new homes will extend Calvary Home to seven families living on campus and allow us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to up to 16 more children.
Community in Adversity
Despite the devastation that Helene brought, we're seeing a lot of beauty in the unity she left behind.
Here We Grow Again
We’re so excited to share that our campus is growing! We’re adding two new houses and they’re set to break ground by the end of 2024.
Not Just Surviving, but Thriving in Foster Care
Leslie, an adoptee, opens up about how isolating it can be to be in foster care and where she saw opportunities for improvement and support of children in foster care. We here at Calvary believe we’re living out these suggestions each and every day!
Reunification is the Goal
Tosha, a foster mom, opens up about the challenges of foster care. She shares that it is well worth it to see the change in the children and how crucial it is to share the journey and the resources with the bio-parents to ensure long term success for the child.
Not Carrying Them on Your Own
In Numbers 11:17, God told Moses, “I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone.”
Once a Calvary kid…
These are the times that we must cling to the fact that our Lord is bigger than we are. We cling to the truth that the Lord loves this child more than we do.
Musings and Life Lessons
Laura muses on what life lessons she hopes people will remember after she’s gone.
Why Community Matters
The Calvary Home community is special, but did you know why community is so important?
Three Cheers for the Home Team!
We’re so excited to announce the Calvary Home Team! Learn more about how our biggest supporters aren’t always the biggest givers.
I’ll be Home for Christmas
The foster parents on our campus constantly give their time and talents to the betterment of the children in their care. Will you support them by sharing your treasure so they will have the resources they need to care for these children long after the Christmas lights come down?
Six Months at Calvary
Bre reflects on her transition into ministry and her time at Calvary so far
Gratitude for the Small Things
Our Executive Director shares a little bit about how gratitude has been on her heart lately.
A Crowning Success!
Our first Mom Prom was incredibly fun and was more successful than we could have dreamed!
Exciting progress on The Children’s Garden!
We’re starting to see the fruits of our labor in The Children’s Garden!
Healing Families Through Foster Care
We’re overjoyed to say that two of our boys went home to be with the stable, healthy, loving Dad they’ve been missing for the last 3 years.
We’ll Always Be There
When our kids face difficult times, we make sure they are setup to succeed no matter where they are. In some cases, that means fighting for them to come back to us.
Unforeseen Blessings
When volunteers reached out about helping with the Luminary Gala, our staff didn’t know how much of a blessing they would be.