I’ll be Home for Christmas

With the holidays quickly approaching, Stephen’s bunk mate asks him if he will be taking leave
to go home to see his family this Christmas. Without hesitation, Stephen says, “Yes!”

Stephen is currently serving in the United States Military and training for his future career to protect and serve our country.

It’s times like this that Stephen often reflects on his life circumstances that led him to this place in life.

He remembers yelling, anger, and fighting. He remembers fake smiles when in public. He remembers making himself physically smaller and staying quiet to not draw attention to himself. He remembers entering foster care and being overwhelmed with anxiety that his life is changing all over again.

Entering foster care as a teenager isn’t easy. Teen years are hard enough without the added layer of trauma, abuse, and confusion about family status.

Then he remembers Mr. Michael and Mrs. Melanie at Calvary Home for Children and he smiles.

He remembers family dinners and board games. He remembers vacations when he was able to see the ocean for the first time and build sandcastles with his young foster sisters. He remembers proud tear-streaked faces at his high school graduation.

Living at Calvary Home allowed Stephen the time he needed to grieve, heal, and grow from his past. This season of his life allowed him the opportunity to graduate high school with honors, play on a state winning basketball team and become a big brother to all the children on campus. He loved when they saw him and yelled “Hey, Big Steve!” He wasn’t trying to make himself smaller anymore. He was proud of the young man he was becoming, and he allowed himself to smile at these fond memories from his younger years.

He was excited to have a few weeks of holiday leave to visit his family at Calvary Home. Even though he is an adult, this will always be his home when he needs a place to land.

When you make a monetary gift to Calvary Home for Children, you’re investing in the long-term success of a child in the Upstate. Together with the foster parents on campus, we strive every day to break the cycle of abuse, neglect, and broken relationships. Everyone at Calvary Home is united with one goal in mind: to create welcoming, Christ-centered homes where children and young adults, like Stephen, can be guided and encouraged to grow and heal from their past trauma.

Thank you for helping us give him a home while he fights to defend ours.

We know there are many ways you can give to others: you can give your time, talents, or treasures. Often, we find ourselves looking for the right gift for someone who “has it all,” when perhaps the best gift of all is one that lasts long beyond Christmas morning.

If there is someone in your life who seems to have everything, consider donating in their honor and let them enjoy the gift of giving as well.


Three Cheers for the Home Team!


Six Months at Calvary