Gratitude for the Small Things

We’re entering the busiest and most beautiful season of the year. Watching the trees change from green to yellow, orange, and red is one of the many ways the Lord shows us that He cares for the little things in life. The God of the Universe is busy keeping the planet spinning, and yet He is still showing up and showing off His creative side. It still amazes me. I pray that I’m forever in awe of God’s sovereign control of the big and small details of our world.

Often, we can get so caught up in the chaos of the day-to-day that we forget to stop and thank God for His goodness in the small moments. Today, I’m thankful for Finley and the way she yells, “Mrs. Laura!” when I come to the door.  I’m thankful for David and being able to celebrate his fourth birthday with hugs and a special family fun day. I’m thankful for teachers who fill us in on Dixon and Collin after they’ve returned home to live with their dad again.  (They’re doing great by the way.) I’m thankful for our high school senior, Grace, and the ways she is blossoming into a young lady right before our eyes. I’m thankful for Brittney and the tears that she is crying to feel and grieve the pain that she has gone through, because it means she isn’t pushing it away. Instead, she is healing from it.

I’m thankful for our foster parents who show up every day for these children in ways that most people cannot even fathom. I’m thankful for our maintenance team for replacing doorknobs, painting walls, and fixing HVAC systems. I’m thankful for our office staff for writing thank you notes, keeping financial records, planning events, and sorting donations.

I pray that I’m forever in awe of God’s goodness over Calvary Home. I pray that I never take for granted that it’s an honor and privilege to show up to work every day and work for His Kingdom.

Whether you donate, pray, or serve, I pray that God shows you that you are a blessing to this ministry and we’re thankful for you and honored by your partnership.

- Laura


Six Months at Calvary


A Crowning Success!