Not Carrying Them on Your Own

Hannah Applewhite, one of our foster moms, shared some thoughts about being called to foster.

When the Lord placed fostering on my heart five years ago, I couldn’t have imagined the journey He would take me on to bring me to a place to be able to see this calling through. He has opened doors and blessed me in ways that I can’t wrap my head around, and I have had the privilege of providing respite and long-term care for over 30 children in the last 2.5 years. 

Being a foster parent is hard in general, but being a single foster parent has even greater challenges. I currently have two 18-year-old girls who have completely changed my life in the best ways. I’m not saying there haven't been challenges, because there definitely have been. However, my heart has become so wrapped up in them that even on the hard days, I miss them when they are at school or work. It breaks my heart to know the things that they have had to overcome and I want so badly to protect them from the brokenness of this world. The burden of their success and happiness weighs deeply on me. 

In Numbers 11, Moses cried out to God and asked Him why He had entrusted him with the burden of all the Isrealites. “Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land you promised on oath to their ancestors?”

This verse spoke to me and quite honestly made me emotional. It made me question why the Lord chose me to carry the burden of my girls’ future and all of the children that will come under my care in the future. He didn’t give me an answer as to why, but He did assure me that He was with me. He also reminded me that although I am a single foster mom, I am not walking this road alone.

In Numbers 11:17, God told Moses, “I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone.” This verse reminded me that I have an incredible village, that not only supports and prays for me but also for my girls. Between Calvary Home, my family, and my friends, I have a village that will not let me fall.

I may not ever fully know why God chose me to be a mother figure in their lives or what I have to offer them, but I do know that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. No matter where life takes them, I will continue to love them unconditionally, pray for them, and be their loudest cheerleader. 


Reunification is the Goal


Once a Calvary kid…