Babies without a name…

Two-month-old twins were dropped off in a frenzy with a diaper bag containing only a few possessions. Foster parents, Danny and Amanda, quickly got to work to settle the babies into their new home. They threw the clothes into the washing machine, counted available diapers, prepared bottles, and gave the girls a bath. They made of a list of items they would need to properly care for these tiny twins. It wasn’t until an hour later that they realized that the sisters were never identified with their specific names. They were simply dropped off as “Chelsea and Sammie.”

Danny and Amanda looked at each in shock, fear, and confusion. “What do we do?”

In situations like this, the birth parents would identify the children during a visit. However, since Chelsea and Sammie’s parents made the selfless decision to surrender them to the hospital under Daniel’s Law, there was no one to identify them.

The staff at Calvary Home started to wonder how this might affect the baby’s identities in the future. It was possible the future adoptive family might rename the sisters, but their Calvary family was more concerned about their identity than their names. These babies had already faced so much loss in their short lives. No one wanted them to also lose their personal identity.

A few days later, Amanda took the girls to their first doctor’s appointment, and she explained the seriousness regarding their lack of identity. The doctor could hear in her voice the heartbreak of grief and loss for these babies. He could also hear the determination of a mama’s heart. He called in several specialist throughout the hospital and they all went to work digging through birth records and trying to match each of the baby’s footprints. After three hours, the doctors were able to positively match the babies with their birth names.

While the doctors were working, Amanda, Danny and all the Calvary Home staff were praying for the twins to one day learn that their true identities, through faith, are in Christ. What a beautiful gift to be known on Earth as we are in Heaven!

In the near future, we will hand these tiny twins over to their forever family, wearing embroidered outfits with their first names. We will also continue to pray over them that they will forever know their true identity is in Christ alone.

Your support allows us to not only provide food, shelter and clothing for the children in our care, but your gift allows us the opportunity to advocate for the least of these from our community. Your gift is a lifetime investment into the lives of the children that enter this ministry and their forever families.

As we begin our 21st year of ministering to the most vulnerable in our community, will you prayerfully consider partnering with us with a life-changing gift?

This year, 34 foster children came
into care on our campus.

Whether they were infants surrendered under Daniel’s Law or recent high school graduates working their way through community college, they found a safe home here.

While on our campus, these children had access to over 500 hours of on-site tutoring, more than 2,500 hours of trauma counseling, and 24/7 care from dedicated foster parents - not hourly staff members. Learn more about our services here.


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